Fabulous Beast

Walking the dog can be a walking meditation of sorts Dogs wake us up to the preponderance of the invisible. They are so interested in things we take for granted, things we never think about… or… are ever aware of.
You’re treading the levee at sundown with your trusty terrier by your side. The wind has stilled and all that’s blowing across the fallow fields and pear orchards are those warm-hued photons sweeping toward you from the soft orange glow on the horizon.
Then a slight tug on the leash releases you from your daydreams and an electrical impulse completes the circuit between your brain and Whitley’s nose… and a whole new world opens up for you, rife with traces of organic presences, evidence of events hitherto unknown. — all thanks to that vital, primordial intelligence pulsating just beyond your fingertips.
You’ve become like a fabulous beast from Greek mythology— half-man, half-canine prowling the moors at dusk, the powers of two joined as one.
Dogs are our periscopes into a world apart from ordinary human perceptions. They broaden our sensibilities. They humble us with their graceful navigation of invisible worlds. They are our teachers.
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